On the 19-21 of August on a meadow between two of the Seven Rila lakes - the Kidney, and the Twins - the followers of spiritual leader Petar Dunov (Beinsa Duno) celebrate their greatest holiday.
Members of The White Brotherhood come from all over the world to take part in the Paneurhythmy, often called the dance of the soul. They arrange in concentric circles and perform, while the choir in the centre sings gently, accompanied by violins, guitars, and other instruments.
Nikola and I had the chance to take photographs right from that spot. We sat in the centre, and everybody was dancing and singing around us. At the end of the ceremony, which was 45 minutes long, all these people gathered around us, and they started to sing the sacred songs, composed by their master Beinsa Duno.
It was as if they were all singing to us!
wonderful pics!
Красота и дълбочина на лицата и фотографиите.Много любов струи.
Днес е 3 Януари 2008 г. Чикаго,САЩ.
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